Hand-Made Clipping Path Service Provider

Clipping path is the foundation of all photo editing services. It should be done with extreme accuracy.

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Hand-Made Clipping Path
Service Provider

Clipping path is the foundation of all photo editing services. It should be done with extreme accuracy.

25+ Professional Photo Editors

We have more than 25+ professional & experienced graphic designers to look after your project.

24/7 Customer Support

We have a 24/7 dedicated customer support team. That means you will get responses in a minute.

900+ Images Processed Daily

Our team of professional photo editing experts has the capacity to deliver more than 900+ images daily.

Fastest Delivery Within 24 Hours

We ensure the fastest photo editing services that you need for your client. We have 8/12/24/48/72 hours delivery packages.

Reasonable Prices

We offer reasonable prices for our clients. Amazing services with amazing prices. Starts only at $0.29/ image.

We are using advanced Photoshop software of pen tools in different ways. We can sequestrate the area and make differences with the background then cut the image out of it. Outsource your images from a professional clipping path service provider at a low cost in Photo Editing Field.

Photo Editors
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Images Capacity
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Images Processed
0 K+
Global Clients
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Clipping Path Service

The clipping path is a prerequisite to receipt of professionally edited pictures. It is Photoshop’s process of cutting objects from images bearing corners or edges by creating a path. It separates objects precisely and offers a complete solution to improve photo quality. It is also known as photo cut-outs, multi-path, and deep etching services.

At Photo Editing Field 42+ highly skilled Photoshop designers heed this task of complex steps and ensure high-quality service. For each image, we zoom in on the image by 70%. On your instruction, We are cutting out 1px, and 2px. Professional photographers, online stores, creative directors, e-commerce business owners, retailers, magazine companies, studio managers, and advertising agencies are the most common companies who use our services regularly. The clipping paths’ pricing range for varies between $0.29 to $9.29.

Our Clipping Path Services

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Basic Clipping Path Service

Basic Clipping Path is a primary category. A Basic clipping path can be created quickly. Basic Images are less curve, straight form, and are easy to shape. such as round, rectangular, and small curved shaped or fewer curve products like a ball, mobiles, plates, rings, wallets, books, spoons, etc. Get our basic clipping path service at an affordable price.

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Simple Clipping Path Service

Use a simple clipping path and remove solid objects with more curves and edges than a basic clipping path service. A simple Clipping Path is applied mostly in products that have few curves and a few holes. such as T-shirts, Pants, bags, shoes, caps, rings, watches, earrings, chairs, cameras, etc. Our experts are intimate with Adobe Photoshop Pen tools to create an outline.

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Medium Clipping Path Service

Basic Clipping Path is a primary category. A Basic clipping path can be created quickly. Basic Images are less curve, straight form, and are easy to shape. such as round, rectangular, and small curved shaped or fewer curve products like a ball, mobiles, plates, rings, wallets, books, spoons, etc. Get our basic clipping path service at an affordable price.

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Complex Clipping Path Service

Complex Clipping Path’s curves and twists are more complex and take up a lot more space. applied to colorful products matching as chains, furniture, group bands, group people, jewelry furry doll, nets, group images, cycles, etc. invoking removing, and outlining the image from any background. We’re working with e-commerce and the world’s famous companies.

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Super Complex Clipping Path Service

Super Complex clipping path is a term used for when an image has a more design or intricate shape. Objects with groups of products, multiple holes, images with various transparency, and objects with complex edges require a more complex Photoshop clipping path process. If a product has multiple holes or closed paths (usually over 20), it falls under the category of the complex clipping path. 

This makes the clipping process very tedious and time-consuming to carry out, especially for products like necklaces, bicycles, chains, motorcycles, furry dolls, buildings trees, etc. The skills required for this job can only be achieved through experience.

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Multiple Clipping Path Service

Multipath is originally the technique of changing the specified color of images. If you need to color each part of your image in a different way, you can effortlessly the multipath technique as this service is the main theme. It is not something that can be learned through a basic knowledge of Photoshop.

Many product objects have complex edges, and various transparency, multiple objects,/multiple colors, These types of images require multiple clipping paths. Removing these types of edges eats up very very tedious and time-consuming to carry out.

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Frequently Ask Questions (FAQ)

No reason to worry; you will receive an official invoice along with your work details.

The delivery capacity depends on how complex the photo subject is. If the subjects are not difficult, we can deliver per day complete up to 1200 images

We can handle any final image format you need to achieve your goals. We’re happy to work with pretty much any image format, including JPEG for clipping path needs, PSD, TIFF, or PNG for handling masking requirements. Please let us know which class format you need.

Of course! We have custom prices for clients who choose to process over 3500 photos on a monthly basis. 

Do you have more doubts? Don't Hesitate!